Thursday, March 19, 2015

Victor Ghoshe's Urban Folk music album SOULSCAPE - to raise fund for Disaster Stricken Uttarakhand, Northern India (Mar. 2014)

March 15th - 2014 The Urban Folk music album SoulScape has been donated to SEEDS - an NGO rebuilding schools in disaster stricken Uttarakhand region of Northern India to raise funds for rebuilding school buildings. The Album is set to raise funds for SEEDS under the unique 'for the children, by the children' program. SEEDS believes in innovative outreach initiatives and supports creative multimedia outreach products. Recently SEEDS was a part of development of a music album named SoulScape. SoulScape is a Folk-Rock album by a 'Social communication researcher' Victor Ghoshe who has been associated with SEEDS as an adviser. SoulScape is a ‘Contemporary Urban Folk Song Collection’. Each song of SoulScape has a story and each song reflect several issues of our society in an innovative way. Based on alternative ‘World music’ styles and thorough research on global ‘Folk & tribal music’ forms, the songs are composed with several unconventional sound elements. All songs releasing under the album ‘SoulScape’, had been tested through over eight years and been used by United Nations, European Union, JNU, Indian Institute of Mass Communication and University of Dhaka, Bangladesh & many other international Agencies, Universities & Institutions in different Workshops, Press Meets, events and liked by thousands of audiences. Ghoshe is a guest lecturer in Institute of Mass Communication, JNU campus and National Institute of Health & Family Welfare. He works in the field of Social communication, tries to rediscover music as a social communication tool and lives in Delhi. Visit the SEEDS site:

Launch of Victor Ghoshe's 1st Music Album - SoulScape (Feb 2014)

SoulScape - ‘A Contemporary Urban Folk Song Collection’ of Victor Ghoshe.
The Album was launched on 1st March 2014 by OK Listen a first line digital music marketing company. SoulScape is a all about creative story telling. Each song of the album has a story and each song reflect several issues of our society in an innovative way. Based on alternative ‘World music’ styles and thorough research on global ‘Folk & tribal music’ forms, the songs are composed with several unconventional sound elements. ‘SoulScape’ songs had been tested through last seven years and been used by United Nations, European Union, JNU, Indian Institute of Mass Communication and University of Dhaka, Bangladesh & by many other international Agencies, Universities & Institutions in different workshops, press meets, events and been liked by thousands of audiences. Experimental ‘Low Frequency Sound Effects’ and other tones are strategically created & used in SoulScape to capture the human subconscious and register in the mind through simple story telling; which makes SOULSCAPE unique. Visit to check out the FREE preview of the album :