Saturday, October 27, 2007


Mys-Tree 6, transparent pencil color on handmade paper (23 cm x 18 cm)

Mys-Tree 5, acrylic on paper ( 40 cm x 50 cm)

I believe, my concern for global warming has somewhat intrigued me to do this.
My sub-conscious possibly believes at this crucial frame in time, only trees can help us to save the earth.

Mys-Tree 4, acrylic on paper ( 40 cm x 50 cm)

Mys-Tree 1,2,3, transparent pencil color on handmade paper (30 cm x 40 cm approx)

'Mys-Tree'...... trees you've never seen (or possibly have seen only in your dreams).

'A very supernatural feel' - that's what you get when you see these trees and the feeling would stay in your mind for a long time.

A series of mix media paintings inspired by the 'Kalpataru' (wish-tree) of heaven as described in the Hindu scripts.


Unknown said...

Its an amazing and exemplary piece of imagination from the artist."Mys-Tree" is one of the finest ever untold story I've come across, rather felt.
Extremely beautiful or beautifully conceptualized...

Victor Ghoshe said...

Dear Shahzad,
Thanx for you comment and it truly reveals the poetic side of your's. you've got a beautiful creative mind with such an amazing clarity. thanx again for adding value to my work.

Unknown said...

To beautiful paintings....
loved trees....
u know na they r my fav.....
good work...
keep it up...
best wishes

Anonymous said...

Well said.