Monday, December 24, 2007


Music makes pictures and often tells stories
All of it is magic and all of it is true
And all of the pictures and all of the stories
All of the magic, the music is you
All of the magic, the music is you...

John Denver

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Inspired by the Pete Seeger Song 'Little Boxes...' this mix media work on teak wood represents the enigma of life. The puzzles we go through everyday...and of course the harmony in the randomness of this universe.
Harmony 1 is sold in an exhibition organised by Art Laureate in New Delhi (April, 2008)

Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Lifescape 2, acrylic on paper (40 cm x 50 cm)

Lifescape, mix media on paper

Lifescape - However cramp our cities goes on......spreads all over.
And life finds out its own ways to escape - stairs to heaven or windows to the outer world.

Lifescape is sold in an exhibition organized by Art Laureate in New Delhi
December 2007

The Pop-angools

The Pop-angools, mix mdea on paper
Inspired by Edward Lear’s nonsense rhyme ‘Jumblies’ this mix media series is named 'The Popangools'
where these ‘finger-like’ funny little characters play POP music in different instruments and jive. To pass time, sometime they also play golf