Tuesday, December 18, 2007


Lifescape 2, acrylic on paper (40 cm x 50 cm)

Lifescape, mix media on paper

Lifescape - However cramp our cities are...life goes on......spreads all over.
And life finds out its own ways to escape - stairs to heaven or windows to the outer world.

Lifescape is sold in an exhibition organized by Art Laureate in New Delhi
December 2007


Nishant said...

I am awed by your talent!! Never knew that your thoughts come out so intriguing from your artworks.
I am wow'ed by cityscapes series and the mys-trees.
I would love to see these on canvas rather than on thumbnail images.
Let me know when u r exhibiting these next.
All the best

Victor Ghoshe said...

Thank you so very much for identifying and liking 'Mys-Trees' and 'Lifescape' they are my interpretations of spiritualism and portrayals of citylife respectively.
I will keep you updated about my works and exhibitions

Anonymous said...

hi victor

the lifescape series was like looking at my own feelings at times when i get quite fed up the concrete jungle around me......

that is some gift you have!


rahul said...

hi uncle .love ur paintings always