Monday, March 7, 2011

The Green Series by Victor Ghoshe

To add some colours to my life along with my 9 to 6 job I decided to paint through my Sundays . And somehow this unique idea stroke my mind hard that if I need to create something really interesting I might need to start from the dust-bin to create my new series. I was lucky. Some weeks later, one late evening sitting in my office I found what I was destined to find.... One of our office attendants, threw a bunch of used, crumpled envelops in the dustbin after clearing a certain table..... I lazily looked at the disgust on his face and had compassion on the stuff he threw..... in a moment I could see a vision in my mind.... For all of us – envelops are so important till the moment they deliver a document... but the next moment they have no value for us.... they suddenly become useless – they become garbage. My mind raced.... Is it possible to give them a new life... ? Is it possible to give them a life of honour....? Is it possible to help them help us...once again.........? Many Sundays and several months of relentless struggle-with-time later... I could create a repository.... A responsible, thoughtful and an honest repository for the human passion for being creative. May I present... The Green Series …


Amrita said...

Brilliant creations..

Victor Ghoshe said...

Thanks Amrita,
This is a little effort to tell people - 'Life is Beautiful' even when the Trash-bin is full of waste...

Anonymous said...

Thats a great job dude, after all you posted these paintings, now it will be symbol of our working in Health Ministry and good times.

Rashmi Sharma said...

These remind me of a quote: "(True) Artists are nearest God. Into their souls he breathes his life, and from their hands it comes in fair, articulate forms to bless the world."

Absolutely awesome V!!!.. Not just the idea, but also the feelings that emerge with your creations! Wish I were a waste envelope :).. So beautiful!!!